This post is not about television programs, travel or bubonic plague. It is about my all-time favorite topic: renovating our sweet and rather exasperating old house.
Yes- in May, The New and Improved Romanian Handyman showed up. Actually, we don't call him that. That would be silly. We refer to him as "DJ Pauly G". Not to his face- even though the girls mean it in the nicest possible way. It is just their way of expressing the amount of his awesomeness. The truth is, the man works miracles! Just look!
This is the "before " shot. This living room is quite small and has one tiny window. One! Only a cave-dwelling troll would have thought to "improve" the place with dark varnished wood ceilings. Sadly, the previous owners were cave-dwelling trolls with a decorating budget.....
Not that our own "improvements" over the years turned out much better. The textured wall treatment was my bright idea. I started hating it the minute I finished putting it all over the walls. Definitely time for a change.....
This is where Paul took down the wall between the living room and the entry hall. The idea was to make that wasted space part of the living room and give it some much-needed volume....
It was so great to get that horrible wood off the ceiling. But under it was tons of lathe and plaster.....
As you can see to the right in the photo, there is
the old opening leading to the main staircase of the house leading up to the bedrooms. This would be blocked up and the space behind transformed into a closet.....
Dust ruled our lives for many; many days. Every surface in the house was covered....
One of the worst things about the hated textured wall plaster was that it was so hellish to remove. We had to use a wallpaper steamer and putty knives to chip it off little by little. It was truly Satan's Wallpaper
The green being uncovered here is the original wall color from back at the turn of the century.... So, that is an historically accurate revolting shade of green. Call the Smithsonian!
As for the clean-up task- luckily we had help from R2D2's cousin. (see below right-hand corner) He's never, ever been in a movie and his name is Kevin. Sucks to be him.
Anyway, the above may look similar to what we started with...but it is actually COMPLETELY different. The room is now about a meter longer, the ceiling is NOT a disgusting troll-ceiling and the floor is a lovely oak parquet instead of splintery pine....