I spent today helping out at a regional folk dancing festival that was held for the older primary school students.
I didn't dance or sing...I was the photographer for our group
The picture above is my favorite. The flying feet and swinging hair really give a feeling for how the day went - fast and fun. And doesn't the little girl on the left look completely joyous?
The twins loved it all and practised hard. They were SO ready to perform!
(The band was great, too. It was made up of four elementary school teachers that perform in the region on the weekends. They were really good!)
You guys do SO much...was this through the local school?
I know what you mean! Never a dull microsecond around here!
Yes, it was a thing that the local schools organized. teachers that wanted to participate went to a workshop to learn the songs and dances. Then they had a few months to teach the kids everything. It turned out to be fun, though it was sometimes hard to get the boys and girls to touch each other!
I'm so glad you are up to all these wonderful hijinks (say that sentence back with multiple inflections, about five different ways)!!
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