Monday morning looked like this:
There was a thick fog that made it impossible to see even a few meters ahead. This made it tricky for the moving truck from Lyon to find our house. But it did.
I'm still not sure whether I am happy or sad that the truck didn't zoom right past our house and on back to Lyon to dump everything in a landfill.
I mean, we lived just fine without this stuff for nearly five months, right?
But then I started unpacking, and there were the photo albums, my sewing machine, my books and all the other things that I truly have been missing and needing. On the other hand, there is one big problem. Or rather, a small problem: our house. It's too tiny to hold everything. So, we were obliged to leave half of the stuff out in the garage.
This means that J. Lo can't be in the gargage (I'm talking about my new car here, not the popular singer that recently had twins. It would be mean to make a new mom sleep in a garage in the French Alps in the winter, don't you think?)
So, I have been unpacking thousands of books, toys, articles of clothing, etc. All the organising and running up and down three flights of stairs has been exhausting. And the last thing I needed was this:
Three guys with big machines turned up extremely early Wednesday morning and started digging up the driveway. It's loud, it's muddy, it makes the walls vibrate and it's all chez moi.
Even better, yesterday I couldn't get out the door:
So, they finally showed up. Careful what you ask for...
It was supposed to be done by Thurday night, but the Departmental authorities ruined any chance of that. When the digging was all done and the guys had laid down the first truckload of gravel at the street end of the drive, the Departmental jerks came by for a nice visit. They informed us that the driveway entrance had to be ENTIRELY re-done. (it's a long story) And that in turn meant the whole ramp had to be re-graded to avoid it being crazily steep.
Resigned, the guys carefully scraped off all the gravel, set it aside and started digging again. Friday night arrived and it still wasn't all done.
So, the guys will be back Monday morning with their gravel truck and steamroller.
Then maybe when they're done they can help me open and unpack boxes...
Stuff is such a mixed blessing....I like that we have less here, thought that keeps changing....
My sentiments exactly!
I've seen the photos of my "stuff" unloaded, although not unpacked, in Le Blanc and I shudder to think about the work to come. It will never fit in our house either. I've been thinking that I could donate to Emaus, etc.
Well, I suppose that I should be happy knowing that I will have a lifetime's worth of chores to keep me busy once I get all the way to France!
Good luck with the driveway and the rediscovery of your favorite things!
Imagine a world where a freighter full of STUFF arrives AFTER the driveway has been repaired. Too much to ask?
Oh, drat. Well, I'm glad your stuff arrived safely, and fingers crossed for the driveway. On a positive note, I've been meaning to tell you how much I liked how the walls turned out! I'm impressed with the plastering. Thanks for the tag as well!
I am just SO thnakful that the stuff wasn't all piled up in the garage during the Great Sewage Tank Disaster. Just think about THAT! The mind reels and recoils.
You definitely lucked out and had the very best of the worst that could have happened!!!
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